Demands of harmonisation of repressive measures with regard to food fraud related to financial fraud – Antonella Madeo
L’intervento svolto al seminario “Agricultural Subsidy fraud patterns and complex schemes of cross-border agricultural frauds” nell’ambito del Progetto di ricerca europeo AFRADE (Agricultural FRAuds DEtection), diretto dal prof. Vallini, si concentra sulla possibile relazione tra le frodi finanziarie nei fondi agroalimentari dell’UE e le frodi alimentari. In particolare, si individuano i tipi di connessione che possono esserci tra di esse e si esamina se esistono strumenti repressivi nel sistema penale italiano diretti a dare rilevanza a queste relazioni, oltre ai reati di frode, o se sono previsti dalla Direttiva UE 2017/1371 per la tutela degli interessi finanziari dell’UE.
The speech given in the seminar “Agricultural Subsidy fraud patterns and complex schemes of cross-border agricultural frauds”, that makes part of the European research project AFRADE (Agricultural FRAuds DEtection), directed by prof. Vallini, focuses on the possible relationship between financial fraud in EU agri-food funds and food fraud. In other words I will outline the kinds of connection that may be between them and I will examine if there are repressive instruments in Italian criminal system to give relevance to these relations in addition to fraud offences or if they are provided for in EU Directive 2017/1371 for the protection of EU’s financial interests.